Behind closed doors

Graham Heaps  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2010
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What is life really like in your home, when the doors are closed and the world is shut out?

Perhaps it is not all that your Christian friends imagine! I guess that most of those who saw David’s delight in bringing the ark to Jerusalem, and experienced his personal thoughtfulness and generosity in the gift of food to all in the vast hungry crowd, would have been staggered to see the verbal brawl he had with his wife Michal when he arrived home.

What a torrent of cutting sarcasm awaited David as the front door opened. And with what bitter hurtful words David replied. Yet this was, seemingly, a marriage of lasting love (1 Samuel 18 and 2 Samuel 3.13): a marriage that, remarkably, had survived the crisis of years of enforced separation. What can we learn for our own family lives from such a familiarly depressing incident? There are two questions that stand out to us here.

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