The world has always been home to many religious faiths and ideologies.
This religious pluralism has become more pronounced for people in the West, due to globalisation and migration between countries. A shrinking world brings adherents of different religions closer to each other. We meet people of other races and learn of their cultures and beliefs through television and the internet. Mosques, temples and non-Western restaurants reflect the increasingly diverse nature of many Western societies.
Alongside other faiths
This is recent in the West, but in Asia pluralism has always been the order of the day; virtually all major world religions started, and have continued, in the Asian continent. In Africa, the church has grown up alongside traditional religions, as well as Islam. So the vast majority of Christians today live alongside people of other faiths. In this we are not unlike the early Christians, who proclaimed Jesus as Saviour and Lord in the face of the many gods and lords of the Greco-Roman world.