I went to talk to Josh who was a student at Loughborough University and is now a UCCF Relay worker there. I wanted to find out a bit more about the Relay programme from a Relay worker’s point of view.
CP: What is Relay?
Josh: Relay is a year of discipleship training in a student context. There’s a lot of training, input from Staff Workers and others involved in UCCF. It involves a lot of study, but also you get to learn by doing and you get chucked in at the deep end. At the same time you’re really supported as well, there’s great teaching and it’s a lot of fun.
CP: What made you decide to do Relay?
Josh: I was quite heavily involved with the CU while at Loughborough. I was on the committee and I really appreciated and enjoyed what the CU did. I felt it was really vital and saw a lot of fruit from it.