Whole city - not just inner city

Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 Nov 2009
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Every Saturday millions of Americans watch their little tykes play soccer, little league baseball, or the equivalent.

The suburban parks are full of mini-vans, the parents shout and cheer each tiny kick or hit, holding expensive name brand lattés in their hands. Is this wicked? What does the gospel have to say to such folk? Pack up and go to the inner city? Or is there something redeemable about living ‘in the world but not of the world’ in the suburb land of the city (and not just the inner city).

Theologies of the city

Whole theologies are being built these days on the concept of the city. What is seldom acknowledged is that this concept of the city is rather small scale, for the city is bigger than either its elite skyscraper inhabitants, or its druggie homeless.

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