EU: free speech on the line

William Wagner  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2009
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A proposed European Union (EU) ‘Equal Treatment’ Directive creates a frightening threat to free speech and the free exercise of religious conscience in the UK.

Final action by the EU is expected in November. If executed in its current form, religious liberty experts expect an exponential increase in persecution of the faithful. Christian Concern For Our Nation (CCFON) is calling on Christians from around the world to help defeat the proposal.

Much wider net

Across the EU, governments and individuals often use existing EU equality law and policies to compel Christians to act against their consciences. Such law currently prohibits, in a variety of contexts, discrimination based on certain published classifications. For example, EU law enacted in Member States prohibits discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation and religion or belief. The proposed Directive casts a much wider net. The Directive extends such prohibitions to healthcare, social security, housing and education. The prohibitions further apply to individuals ‘performing a professional or commercial activity’ in the provision of goods and services available to the public.

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