The Third Degree

Dan Hames  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2009
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UCCF’s mission is to the university. We exist to proclaim the message of Jesus in the student world and see young people becoming his disciples.

To that end, we produce an array of resources to equip Christian students for their mission — tooling them up for the work of mission. A happy by-product of this is that many of our resources can be put to good use in the local church as well: in youth groups, for training, for church-based student work.


We have set up a campaign to recruit freshers to our Christian Unions. Here, they will not only be welcomed to the university, surrounded by friendly faces, and guided to a church, but they will also become part of a vibrant mission team whose aim is to bring the gospel to their campus. In service of this campaign is our Student Handbook / Cookbook, which is designed to feed freshers both physically and spiritually. Alongside quick and easy recipes, there is advice on university life, finding a church, and relationships. uk/freshers

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