Mission field on the doorstep

Colin Johnson  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2009
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I know of a woman living in a large town who is suffering from terminal cancer, has few friends, no family close, is very isolated and in need of friendship and support.

I am sure that every true Christian would want to reach out to her to offer friendship, prayer and the encouragement of the gospel. Unfortunately, this has not happened. Sadly, this lady lives in a small bedsit just around the corner from a large shiny new church and they know nothing of her or she of them! Are there many others like this lady on our doorsteps who are not reached? What can be done?

Think again

I would like churches to think again about door-to-door visiting as a means of connecting to people of different circumstances, class and ages in our communities. I do not find that the cults have made door work difficult, as most people do not identify them with mainstream churches. The door visiting I am suggesting comes from a heart of genuine concern. I have been visiting door-to-door on a regular basis for over two years and been very encouraged by the contacts and friendships I have made. Jesus’s parable about the shepherd going out to find a lost sheep has encouraged me not to rely on outreach courses or guest services but to actively go out to seek the lost, those open to the gospel.

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