Pray Prepare Preach: fighting the famine

Date posted:  1 Jul 2009
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We regularly receive appeals in the West to help feed the poor and hungry of the world. But we understand by faith that there is a greater famine going on, a famine of hearing the life-giving, soul-nourishing Word of God.

Even in countries where there are packed and thriving churches, very often the pastors have little training and a poor grasp of how to teach the Bible properly. This makes many Christians, in Africa and elsewhere, extremely vulnerable to false teachers and prosperity gospels.

There are a number of great organisations working to help pastors worldwide teach the Bible. Langham Preaching, Project Timothy and Pastor Training International are three such organisations. Pray Prepare Preach (PPP) is a project born from a passion to see the church worldwide growing deeper and stronger in the Word of God.

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