Darwin and the fossils

John Peet  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jun 2009
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Views on the importance of the fossil record to the theory of evolution have varied between the experts (palaeontologists) over the years.

Some, like Stephen J. Gould, have even used the problems of the fossil record to propose different evolutionary approaches to those held by the Darwinists. Darwin and his followers believe that the fossil record can be used to demonstrate the gradual change in the pattern of living plants and animals over time. Gould and his supporters have argued that evolution has not changed in small steps but through sudden (on a geological time-scale!) large leaps forward.

Related to the flood

There is, of course, no direct statement in the Bible concerning fossils and so we are free to explore all possible explanations that are consistent with the biblical history of the world. One mistake often made by Christians is to confuse the fossil record with the creation account. Clearly they are not speaking about the same event. The biblical account of creation is about the spontaneous generation of life at God’s command. It is described as good and there is clearly harmony and no agony or sickness, etc.

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