NWA: turning the tide

Nigel Beynon  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2009
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New Word Alive has become the premier conference for conservative evangelicals in Britain. In the run up to the event, organiser Nigel Beynon tells us why he’s excited.

‘I’ve never heard such powerful preaching!‘ That was the testimony I heard just a few weeks ago from someone who came to New Word Alive (NWA) last year. She went on to say how God had changed her during those five days, leading her to make some major life decisions to seek to serve him more.

What’s so special about NWA?

Well, in many ways — nothing! As we talked, it became clear that this individual had never really heard preaching that sought to explain the Bible seriously. But, through a friend, she had ended up at NWA and for the first time experienced God speaking to her powerfully, changing her life, as the Bible was taught.

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