Quick-fire Keller!

Date posted:  1 Jan 2009
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Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, is the author of the best selling The Reason for God and recently spoke at the Urban Plant Life Conference in London called to encourage and build networks between church planters. He spoke to EN briefly.

EN: Tim, we understand that Redeemer is seeking to plant churches in the major cities of the world. Could you explain how this great venture has come about?

TK: It wasn’t our idea, honestly. Leaders from other cities of the world (Amsterdam, Berlin, and some Chinese cities) began to approach us for help in planting churches in cities. They basically said: ‘The people you are reaching in the centre of New York City are similar to the kinds of people we have in our greatest cities. We think that we can learn from what you are doing in Manhattan.’ I don’t think that they would have come to us if we were in any other American city. So they asked for help and we have begun to respond.

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