ItÕs not (just) the economy, stupid!

Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 Jan 2009
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Everyone is talking about it. Endless chat shows. NPR (National Public Radio), CNN, NBC, Fox – you name it, they’re talking about it.

The economy is having a little teeny-weeny problem right now. Same in the UK, I hear. Same just about everywhere. People are comparing it to the Great Depression (thankfully no one’s claiming it’s going to be as bad yet). People are coming up with plans and building projects. Newsweek is saying it’s worse than we think,1 The Washington Post reviews books that point the blame at the Government,2 CNN discusses our emotions and how they affect the economy.3


But, to put it strangely, if you’ll forgive me for a moment, is the economy really about the economy? Certainly at one level it must be. Witness, well, the economy. It’s in a bad way. Hence we talk about it. But, as Christians, we need to ask, what’s really going on? What’s the opportunity here? What’s the message here? What do we need to learn? What do we need to say? That is, we need to get beyond the headlines and ask how this new set of circumstances needs to be addressed from an evangelical and biblical point of view.

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