Arguing for GAFCON

Wallace Benn & Mark Burkill  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2008
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The Christian work and fellowship started by GAFCON in Jerusalem in June 2008 has only just begun.

We are well aware that it faces plenty of dangers and obstacles as it seeks to renew the Anglican Communion in the work of the gospel. We know that it has already been misunderstood in various quarters. This may lead some to hesitate about supporting it. That is why we want to respond to the particular misunderstandings and historical errors that are stated in the article by Iain Murray in the September 2008 issue of EN, although both of us have enormously appreciated books he has written over the years.

Authority of Scripture

Of course, Iain is quite right to point out that the great issue that is at stake within the Anglican churches and the other historic denominations is that of the authority of Scripture and the discipline associated with the practical exercise of that authority, rather than homosexuality itself. Although the matter of sexuality must be addressed, that is simply the presenting issue. Those who organised GAFCON were well aware of this and, in fact, the only way in which the homosexual issue had any presence at the conference was through the advertising of organisations which pastor those struggling with this in their own lives.

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