I was once soundly rebuked by a member of the congregation for daring to ask the gathered flock to give someone a round of applause because they had given a great service to the church. I was told his ‘reward was in heaven and he didn’t need us to make an unseemly noise in the church’.
However, I have been in youth meetings where if I had heard ‘give him a round of applause’ one more time I would have felt fairly ill. But I wonder if some of us have gone to the other extreme. Paul seems to be encouraged when in Romans he says he wants to see this group of believers that he ‘may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith’ (Romans 1.12).
It can become quite nauseating when all say to all ‘you were great’ when clearly they hadn’t been. Other people’s faith and service for the Lord should encourage us as we see them exercising their ministry and I see no reason why that should not be given some acknowledgement. Of course, the ‘well done, good and faithful servant’ will come for those who enter into the joy of the Lord but, in the meantime, let us encourage one another with some words. When someone has served the youth group faithfully, it is essential we find ways of saying thank you to them. Maybe a quiet word just after it’s happened but, if we are to build up our youth team, we need to create a culture of encouragement which will mean that younger leaders will grow in stature and their gifts will develop.