Sex and the single 30-something

Fiona Cooper  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2008
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This is an issue I have been dealing with for many years and here are some of my conclusions.

What God says

If you are not married, God says you should abstain from sex. Why? Because God designed sex as a covenant act between a husband and a wife, a gift of intimacy with the person you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with. It is a physical act and a spiritual act and the only safe place for it is marriage. So, even when you are in your 30s and still single, you are called to refuse to have sex until you marry.

I don’t pretend it’s easy, but of course it’s possible. I know that, not only because it’s true that ‘nothing is impossible with God’ (Luke 1.37), but, more pertinently, because, up until now, I’ve actually lived it.

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