God's people - back up

Dave Fenton  |  Features  |  Youth Leaders
Date posted:  1 Jun 2008
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We often use the word back-up to describe what we should all do with our computer files so when our wonderful machines go wrong all our valuable data is not lost.

We buy memory sticks and remote hard discs to make sure all our files are well preserved. We consider our written files to be important enough to make sure we preserve them. What do we do to preserve the ministry of our youth and children’s teams?

In April I wrote about support networks and, sure enough, at New Word Alive (it was a great event for the youth and children too!!!!!) I met up with people that were either full-time youth leaders or volunteers. It was interesting to hear of their experience in ministry. Some of them said they had good support networks. People in their church were concerned about them and were prepared to support them, listen to them and pray with them. Once I heard that I was encouraged but they wanted to go on and several of them bemoaned the fact that they had to do so many routine resource jobs that they had little time to do the work of ministry to which they had been called.

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