Love of music and love of Christ

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Mar 2008
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I’m very privileged to work with a group of Christian professional musicians. They’re a huge encouragement to me as I see God strengthen them to stand for him in a tough world.

One of the greatest encouragements was sitting with one of them as he took a call from the London Symphony Orchestra. Offers of work from the LSO are the dream of any young musician starting out in the profession. He wrote down the dates and then ended the call. Checking his diary, he noticed that one of the concerts was on the same date that his Bible study group was going away for the weekend. Without hesitating, he crossed the dates out. He had a prior and more important engagement — to be among his Christian brothers and sisters listening to the words of Jesus.

Two passions at once?

One of the questions some of the musicians ask is whether it’s possible to be passionate about the Lord, while also being passionate about music. One talked about negotiating ‘the narrow path between celebrating career/musical success as a gift from God and allowing that same success to become an idol’.

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