
Helen Thorne-Allenson  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2008
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You’ve probably heard of some of the big youth events being held each year in the UK, you may even have been along. But how do events like this start? And how do they grow? Here is the experience of one charity that seeks to serve God and the youth of this nation.

None of us really planned to set up a new organisation. No one had a deep yearning to be a charity trustee. Capital Youthworks just grew naturally. The ministry need was seen and gradually the structure took shape.

It started at the turn of the millennium. A group of youth workers with a heart for Word-centred ministry got together to talk about how we could help encourage young people and their youth leaders. It soon became evident that one of the biggest issues for Christians in the 14-18 age group was a feeling of isolation. Church youth groups can be desperately small. Christian Unions are non-existent in some schools. With few Christian peers, it can be painfully easy for Christian young people to drift.

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