Living leaders?

Jonathan Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2008
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98% of us feel stressed; 86% depressed; 83% are angry; 63% feel lonely; and a third of us are thinking seriously about leaving our job. So who are we? We’re the ministers and vicars of your local churches!

Frightening isn’t it? They say that statistics can prove anything you want them to, but who would want to prove that our church leaders are tired, downhearted and desperate to ‘get out’. What’s worse is that the situation isn’t improving; in fact it’s spiralling downwards faster than ever and it’s hardly surprising when the average age of a minister is over 50 and increasing each year.

So what can be done about it? Jonathan Carswell, a youth pastor himself, chatted to Marcus Honeysett to find out some answers.

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