Above all earthly pow'rs: Christ and the postmodern world

Date posted:  1 Feb 2008
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Christ in a spiritual world

It is not just any worldview that we encounter in the postmodern world, but one that increasingly resembles the old paganisms.

It is one that is antithetical to that which biblical faith requires. It is this transformation of our world, this emerging worldview, which has passed largely unnoticed.

That, at least, is the most charitable conclusion that one can draw. For while the evangelical Church is aware of such things as the fight for gay and lesbian rights, hears about the eco-feminists, knows about pornography, has a sense that moral absolutes are evaporating like the morning mist, knows that truth of an ultimate kind has been dislodged from life, it apparently does not perceive that in these and many other ways a new worldview is becoming ensconced in the culture. If it did, it surely would not be embracing with enthusiasm as many aspects of this postmodern mindset as it is or be so willing to make concessions to postmodern habits of mind.

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