Adventure in hospitality

Cherry Spicer  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2007
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We first met Wesley at the church we attend. He had come from Brazil and could not speak a word of English. But he just wanted to be with God’s people to worship on Sundays.

He comes from a very poor part of Brazil and had the opportunity to come across to Britain with the intention of earning some money to send back to his wife and family and to the congregation of the little local church where he is a member. New and in need in a foreign land, we felt that God was calling us to open our home. We came to the conclusion that we should ask Wesley to come and live with us. As a couple in our late 60s you might think that was quite a challenge. But somehow God gave us great peace about it. Wesley was delighted. So he came to join us in our house in a Surrey village. He had a job working at nights loading and stacking shelves at a supermarket and would send as much money as possible back home.

After a year or so his wife Leila and his two children came over as well and there followed three years of us all living together and attending our church. It was a great time of rich fellowship and a privilege to see the children growing up.

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