Every now and then I walk into work. Usually it’s because I’ve been too lazy to cycle home the night before.
Occasionally, like last week, it’s because someone else has borrowed my bike in a permanent non-contractual arrangement. This time, the borrower was kind enough to leave my bike lock neatly propped up against the side of the church building. I don’t know if the circulation of Evangelicals Now reaches bike thieves, but if the borrower is reading this, I’d be interested to know if you’ve been able to get it into ninth gear. I never could. Also, the saddle chafes when it rains.
Walking to work has given me more time to think about the cause of the confusion about what goes on spiritually when we sing. I’ve always said that the root of the problem is a lack of confidence in the Word of God to feed us, leading us to use music as an alternative medium to scratch where we itch spiritually. That is still the case, but I think that there is a more specific problem, which we need to address as Bible-believing Christians if we’re to avoid confusion over the same issues.