The call: what is missing?

Philip Eveson  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2007
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Some missionaries will speak of their ‘call’ in terms of a Bible verse that specially spoke to them. It is not uncommon to hear of people receiving a ‘prophetic word’ that led them into some special Christian service. There are others who enter ‘full-time’ ministry because they ‘felt led’.

Reacting against what they would describe as mystical experiences and impressions, a significant number of Bible-believing leaders have sought to remove the mystique surrounding the ‘call’. For them it is the need that constitutes the call especially if there is a godly life and gifting that matches the need.

There is general agreement on the involvement of the local church and its leaders in challenging young men and assessing them for gospel ministry. The importance of the church’s encouragement and evaluation of candidates for the ministry of the word must not be underestimated (see 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1).

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