The Third Degree

Dan Hames  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2007
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In 1919 a student called Norman Grubb began the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union in response to a theologically-weakened Student Christian Movement. Within the space of a few years, new Christian Unions sprang up around the UK and, in 1928, Grubb established Inter-Varsity Fellowship with a vision to see ‘an evangelical witnessing community on every university campus’.

79 years later, nothing has changed except the name. UCCF: The Christian Unions is still focused on making disciples of Jesus Christ in the student world and, just as Grubb had hoped, the gospel is proclaimed by witnessing communities on more than 300 university campuses across the country. This original vision is being powerfully worked out in 2007 as 92 Christian Unions (CUs) have held missions: weeks of intensive evangelism and gospel proclamation on their campuses.

Bishop Grosseteste College

BGC CU are a small group of students (15-20) who were recently thrown out of their Students Union (SU), derecognised as a Student Society and had their bank account frozen. The SU sent along a ‘spy’ to the CU meeting, which happened to be one of the PURE course sessions which teaches about the biblical view of sex and relationships. The girl enjoyed it so much that she went back the following night and took her boyfriend with her.

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