Can it be me?

Marjory Foyle  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2007
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Marjory Foyle served as a medical missionary in India before God called her to specialise in psychiatry. She is the author of Honourably Wounded, a classic book on the psychological needs of missionaries. From a broken home, she suffered from a bad stammer. Here she tells how she became a Christian …

I went back home for the long summer vacation, saying a regretful goodbye to St. Andrews. The medical school had decided to move again and reunite the first and second years in Exeter. I now had to get a job for three months and offered my services as an untrained nurse in a local ward for the elderly bedridden.

During this period I had another brief incursion into religion, but only because I really liked the look of the Canadian pastor of a local church. When I moved on, to Exeter this time, I soon forgot the lovely Canadian and thought little about the God he was presenting.

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