How to please everybody?

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Mar 2007
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The issue of musical style is a tricky one for music co-ordinators and pastors alike. I’m often asked, ‘How do you cater for lots of different ages and tastes without compromising on depth and cohesion?’ In short, how do you please everybody without losing the plot?

The simple answer is that it’s impossible to get it right, because there are as many tastes as there are people in the world, and all of them have a very clear idea of what is appropriate and what isn’t. However, that shouldn’t discourage us from trying.

A sea of open mouths

I’ve tried many things in the past, and I’m blessed enough to be part of a very forgiving congregation. I managed to silence St Helen’s one evening when I discovered electric guitars for the first time. We sang the old 80s anthem, Lord of Lords. After the thrash metal introduction, which was completely out of control, I looked out into the congregation to check they were still planning on coming in for the start. All I saw was a sea of open mouths and rows of saucer-wide eyes, white with fear. I think I saw someone wince. The congregation did come in, but only about half-way through the third line. It took them that long to work out that it wasn’t a joke, and that we weren’t going to stop. I don’t think we could have stopped even if we’d wanted to.

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