
Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 Jan 2007
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First he denied it. Then he confessed it. Now the dust has settled we need to consider it.

What would make Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, a 14,000 member charismatic success story, with the ear of the President of the United States, at only 46 years old a respected member of the evangelical dynasty, what would make him engage in homosexual activity with a male prostitute over three years and take crystal methamphetamine?

Gordon MacDonald offered one explanation. He opined that we all have an innate tendency to self-destruct. ‘Leaders Implode’ (http://www.christianitytoday.com/leaders/newsletter/2006/cln61106.html), and we are to watch out for signs that the ‘herd of wild horses’ within each of us is about to get loose. Stubbornness and tyrannical behaviour is one sign; the inability to tell the whole truth evidences that we are lying to ourselves.

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