There is a lot to be said for the value of older Christians, that is, those over the age of 55.
They buy more books than anyone else and, generally speaking, have sorted out their lives and are ‘more together’ than their younger counterparts. They have battled temptations and been through the deep waters and, when tapped, are springs of faith and encouragement.
They are like the Sherpa guides who help people get safely to the top of Everest. Climbers may have maps and global satellite positioning equipment, but the wise ones still hire experienced Sherpas to accompany them. (You sometimes read newspaper stories about the ones who do not.) And there are the biblical accounts of those wonderful older warriors of God: Caleb, who achieved more at the age of 85 than at any time in his life; Jacob, 130, who stood before Pharaoh and blessed him — not the other way around — and prophesied the coming of Christ; and Moses, who did not begin to be used by God until he was 80.