Are we fighting the wrong battles?

Bert Weenink  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2006
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‘The church is not here to reform the world, for the world cannot be reformed. The business of the church is to evangelise, to preach the gospel of salvation to people blinded by sin and under the domination and the power of the devil’ (Lloyd-Jones, D. M., 1982, Life in the Spirit in Marriage, Home and Work, Banner of Truth, pages 318-319).

I wonder what Lloyd-Jones would have made of the constant efforts of evangelical Christians to stand up and be heard in the political, moral and social arena.

Different Christian organisations ask us to raise our voices against some evil in society. We are urged regularly to sign petitions, to take part in protests, etc., so that Christians will no longer be ignored. We have been encouraged to oppose plans for the development of Vegas-style super casinos and the re-writing of the smacking law. We had to voice our concerns against the proposed Incitement to Religious Hatred law and against the new Civil Partnership scheme and much more.

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