We all know them, don’t we? Those friends with whom we used to go to church. They talked about Jesus, led Bible studies and were present at every meeting. And now they’re nowhere.
They may call themselves Christians but the label is all they’ve held on to. Or they may even admit they were never really Christians at all. And my guess is that, for most of these people, their drift away from Jesus coincided with a change in their life circumstances and most probably, a new place to live.
As we said in the last two issues, the Bible calls us to keep church number one priority if we are thinking about moving house. To make it first priority to find a church where the Bible is taught faithfully and where people can encourage each other and use their gifts. In the first article of this series, we examined the positive reasons the Bible gives us for moving wisely. This month we look at the subject from a negative standpoint: what Christians can lose if they don’t do this and what the person who realises they have made the wrong move can do about it.