Everyone in the world... in the Word

Alicia Felce  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2006
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Recently I went to my normal weekly church Bible study meeting (we are studying Romans) and had an enjoyable time of fellowship and study.

The next day I was due to sit in on a Bible study run by Community Bible Study International, and I have to admit to wondering what it would offer that would be distinct from my normal group. Of course, the fundamentals were similar — such as prayer and a focus on studying the Bible to understand it and apply it to one’s own life. There were however, differences about this ministry, and I found myself firmly convinced of the high value it has as a way of reaching people and strengthening their faith by grounding them ever more in the Bible.

In depth

CBSI is a non-denominational, independent Christian ministry dedicated to providing accessible, in-depth Bible study in a supportive group setting. The programme is open to everyone, men and women of all ages. Although many of the classes meet on church premises, it is community-based and there is a strong emphasis on enabling and encouraging people of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs to study the Bible. The study I attended met at a local church, but about half of those attending came from outside the church.

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