From Crusaders to Urban Saints

Date posted:  1 Jul 2006
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This year sees the centenary of the start of the Crusaders’ Union, which has been very influential in the lives of many lads and girls for Christ.

The story actually begins in the spring of 1900 when a missionary named Albert Kestin was walking through North London on a Sunday afternoon. As he walked he prayed for the young people he saw. They looked at a loose end and bored, and he felt that there was a great need for a new initiative to reach such youngsters for Christ.

Encouraged by friends, Albert started meetings for boys in Crouch End where he was temporarily living. All boys were welcome, whichever church they attended, and especially if they didn’t go to church at all. Albert coined the name ‘Crusaders’ for his Bible class, after seeing a picture of a medieval crusader with the caption ‘Be strong’.

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