The forgetful musician's checklist

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Jun 2006
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Musicians, by nature, are often quite absent-minded and disorganised. If you are a musician, you may be the exception to the rule. Most of us, though, have had some life-defining moments when our disorganisation has caught up with us. I say life-defining because our mess-ups are nearly always in the public eye, and like everyone else, we fear the judgement of man more than God.

I thought I’d suggest an ‘alternative church musician’s check-list’ so that we could be a little more on top of our game. The items included in the check-list are there because I have been caught out on each one, so I’m doing this for me as much as anyone else.

* Make sure you count the number of verses on the song-sheet or overhead. It’s amazing how difficult it is for musicians to count to four.

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