Growing old gracefully

Dave Fenton  |  Features  |  Youth Leaders
Date posted:  1 Apr 2006
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How old can you be and still do youth ministry? We seem to have invented some kind of cultural barrier which suggests that 23 is about as old as you can get before you become totally irrelevant to young people. I admit I argue this from a position of bias as I have been doing youth ministry for many years. I’ll leave you to guess.

How old can you be and still do youth ministry? We seem to have invented some kind of cultural barrier which suggests that 23 is about as old as you can get before you become totally irrelevant to young people. I admit I argue this from a position of bias as I have been doing youth ministry for many years. I’ll leave you to guess.

This strikes at the heart of what youth ministry is about. If it is primarily about being culturally engaged, then you ceased to be relevant at 18 (or younger) so nobody qualifies for youth leadership. The 19-year-old student is in a different world to the 17-year-old living at home and many worlds removed from the 23-year-old young married or single person. So, if ministry is about understanding each other’s culture, it is a concept that’s dead in the water.

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