Reflections on two weeks in England

Mark Dever  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2006
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Having just returned to the USA from two weeks in England, being in Oxford, Leicester, London, Cambridge, Birmingham, Leyland, Cambridge (again) and St. Albans, I feel like I’ve had quite a tour around the country.

I’ve had a wonderful time travelling with Peter Jensen (Anglican Archbishop of Sydney) speaking at a number of ‘Gospel Partnerships’.

I was also able to sit in on a ministerial fellowship with Graham Beynon and some friends in Leicester, speak at Oak Hill, have dinner with Dick Lucas, tea with Peter Masters, lunch and dinner with Tim Chapman (at Little Shelford), dinner with Bruce and Lynn Winter at Tyndale House in Cambridge, a tour around Daf Meirion-Jones’s church (All Saints’) in Preston, stay with Fred and Elizabeth Catherwood, see many old friends at Eden Chapel in Cambridge, have a good time of interaction with the congregation in a session at Spicer Street in St. Albans and even meet up with a couple of New Frontiers guys in London before I flew out! It’s been a busy couple of weeks.

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