Christmas on campus
From November onwards, it’s really difficult to miss the fact that Christmas is on the way. Shopping centres become busier, the Christmas lights go up and there are lots of shiny decorations in shop windows. However, despite all the glitz, glamour and commercialism, Christmas also brings with it a wealth of opportunities for evangelism.
This Christmas saw literally thousands of students attending carol services across the UK — put on and hosted by evangelical CUs. For many non-believers this represented a significant opportunity to hear the gospel explained clearly and faithfully, often for the first time. Here’s just a glimpse of what was happening and where:
St. Helen’s, Lancashire
‘St. Helen’s College of FE and HE held their carol service in the local Anglican church. Over 200 students attended and it was great to see the CU working well with the College Chaplain, who gave the gospel message.’ Martin Povey, FE CUSW North West