Religious & Theological Studies

Pod Bhogal  |  Features  |  The Third Degree
Date posted:  1 Dec 2005
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In the evangelical student world, theology can hardly be said to have a good name. ‘Ivory Tower’, ‘God in a box’ — such are the slogans used to describe and dismiss the rigorous thinking-through of biblical truth.

Added to this, the secular academy has had a long history of antagonism towards any place for personal belief within its theology and religious studies departments, providing a significant challenge for any evangelical students. So, Dr. Bruce Winter, Warden and Director of Tyndale House, writes:

‘The academy is a very difficult place in which to live and speak for Christ. There, above all other places, many bow at the altar of knowledge and those who possess it are puffed up. There are seemingly impregnable citadels that have been erected contrary to the knowledge of God.’

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