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Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 Nov 2005
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Strange as it is may seem to environmentally minded Europeans, the fact remains that many Americans do not think much about global warming.

Could it not be, some wonder, that global warming, including its detrimental side effects like the shrinking polar cap, is merely the result of an unavoidable cyclical increase in global heat? If so rising temperatures are not ultimately due to gas-guzzling SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicles), and similar industrial pollutants.

Of course, recent hurricanes have made that view — shall we call it the brown not green doctrine — harder to sustain. The vicious and violent spate of hurricane weather in the gulf tends to underline the oddity of contemporary weather patterns. Add to that the calamity in Guatemala and Pakistan and you have a frightening picture of the future. But some still say that such increase in seasonal storms and natural disasters is really more local phenomenon than a global matter.

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