Rising to the challenge

Bible Society  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2005
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Tragically, the UK masses are as ignorant of the Bible as they were in the 16th century.

At that time William Tyndale committed his life to making sure this was not so. His aim was to see everyone, high born or ploughboy, able to understand it for themselves. This has been resolved through the production of good translations in clear English. But today the Bible is largely unread and marginalised.

That is why Bible Society (or British and Foreign Bible Society to use its full name) is committed to doing more than just making the Bible available. Although this is still a vital task worldwide, the challenge in so many developed cultures is to address the need for the Bible to be ‘heard’. For those inoculated against the wonder of the Bible, this means helping them to see that its message is relevant to their daily lives.

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