Prison is full of surprises!

Gerard Chrispin  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2005
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Gerard Chrispin of Daylight Christian Prison Trust and DayOne Prison Ministries tells of three recent prison surprises . . .

I was so embarrassed to greet the man as a prisoner only to find out he was the chaplain! (I am not telling anyone who that was!) I was dumfounded when the officer at Wakefield Prison thought I was a prisoner because I was wearing a blue and white striped shirt! And I cannot imagine how a particular inmate managed to write to me at my home address a few days after the meeting I had spoken at, when I only gave out the address of our organisation! These are just a few of the many surprises in prison that I instantly recall.

But in one week a lot can happen. Phillippa and I have had three surprises in the last seven days. They each can teach us something, whether our work is behind bars or ‘on the out’, as the inmates call it.

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