Harry Sutton, 1922-2005

Margaret Williams  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2005
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Pastor G.H. Sutton passed very peacefully into the presence of his beloved Lord Jesus on Tuesday morning June 7.

Uncle Harry! Where do you start to write to try and capture even a little of the essence of this very dear man? He was first and foremost God’s man. He passionately loved the Lord Jesus Christ. A young man, who became a pastor, was converted and nurtured under his ministry, once said to me: ‘I learned so much of God from just listening to Harry pray’.

He was born in Cheshire to godly parents, did his National Service and trained as a navigator in the Royal Air Force. He met my Aunty Joan (my mum’s sister) on a Cliff College Whit Monday day visit. He married Joan and they settled in a small rented house in Leeds. He became assistant minister at Ventnor Street and served there under the guidance of a faithful minister, Percy Hassam. But a very tiny work at Wigston, Leicester, also knew of the young Harry and broached the possibility of the Lord calling him to Wigston.

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