Sinclair Ferguson is Professor of Systematic Theology of Westminster Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. He came to this year’s Keswick Convention to give five Bible readings on Romans, as well as the keynote Lecture which tackled many of the fashionable challenges to the doctrine of penal substitution.
In an interview at the Convention, he gave some background on his life and current concerns, starting with how he became a Christian.
‘I was brought up in Glasgow in the early 1950s and my parents didn’t go to church at all, but it was still the time when it was the decent part of a Scottish upbringing to go to Sunday school! So I was sent along the road to the Sunday school — and it was only later on that I realised that some of the Sunday school teachers I had were deeply committed Christians. I started reading my Bible at the age of nine, saying the Scripture Union prayer and trying to help old ladies across the street — and I thought that was what being a Christian was.