Christian youth work becomes New Age

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Jul 2005
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‘I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel’ (Galatians 1.6, ESV).

If you are involved in youth work at the moment, or getting ready for holiday clubs or summer camps, please, please, please don’t listen to the lies that are around at the moment. These lies teach that the Word of God is not enough to get young people to engage with God. They say that we must work out where young people are at ‘in worship’ before they can know God. They say that kids of today are so worldly wise that we must help them make sense of their world before they can make sense of God.

Why am I writing about this in a music column? I’m writing because so much of this is described as ‘worship’. Now, as worship mostly means music in today’s language, then these ‘worship’ ideas are dreamt up mostly by musicians who believe that what they can produce visibly, audibly or tangibly gives a more faithful representation of God than Jesus’s words.

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