12 ways to miss the point

Dr Paul Adams  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2005
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Maths was never my strong point. But if (as Christian Research says) the church in the UK is in decline, it must be because there are fewer people born again each year than are leaving. Surely this is not good news for evangelicals, for whom the gospel is the ‘stuff of life’.

I can remember sitting under ‘faithful gospel preaching’ for years, and wondering why there were no unbelievers to hear it. We were told it was good for the saints to be comforted by the gospel. I still agree with that, but I think it misses the point. Surely the primary target for the good news is the hell-bound sinner who needs to be convicted and converted.

While there is a fleet of associated factors that contribute to the current evangelical inertia, the coalface problem is a lack of biblically-credible evangelism. So why is it that many, if not most, believers in the UK have never engaged in evangelism, let alone led anyone to the Saviour?

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