The Third Degree

Jonathan Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2005
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For Christian students who are a part of the 2.7 million in Further Education (FE) colleges, CU life can be a hard slog.

The group is almost always small in number, they are less well-resourced than school or university CUs, and colleges are often deeply secular environments not used to the concept of a CU. However, as we have seen in recent years the labour is producing fruit, even if progress is slow.

Case one:

Take, for example, Rachel, who was studying for her A Levels at an FE college. She was one of only two Christians in a college of 10,000. She and one other Christian student began meeting each week to pray together. 18 months later they hosted an evangelistic carol service, which saw over 100 unlikely students attend. Three years on and the CU is now a dozen strong. Rachel finished her studies at the college and went on to university where she now sits on the CU executive committee.

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