Some significant anniversaries in 2005

Joy Horn  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2005
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Thomas Tallis was born in 1505. One of the first composers of English Protestant church music, his music is still much performed and recorded.

1555 was the peak year for the burning of Protestants under Queen Mary Tudor, some of whom are mentioned individually below. In all, about 290 died this excruciating death - men, women and even young people, and preponderantly working-class - and thereby ensured that Mary's attempt to re-establish Roman Catholicism died with her.

Mrs. Mary Jane Kinnaird (later Lady Kinnaird) opened a home in London for nurses returning from the Crimean War in 1855. This became a hostel for working girls, and was the forerunner of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA).

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