Memories of the 1904-05 revival in Wales - part 2

Bethan Lloyd-Jones  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2005
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Crowding around the house

I may be wrong because memories tend to get mixed, but I think it was that same night that something else happened. As the meeting closed and the people began to move towards the doors, the congregation, with few exceptions, began to follow Evan, who was already on his way to Sunnyside. As he entered the house and went to his room, the hundreds from the meeting crowded round the house. My uncle stood in the doorway, wondering what to do with them.

One man spoke for them all: would Evan Roberts just come out and speak to them? There was no disorder, but an eager, hopeful expectation that could be felt. My uncle went to Evan's room and told him what the people wanted. Evan shook his head and said he could not do that - he was not given freedom, he was not free.

John Phillips was in despair, as he thought of the gathered crowd outside, but he did not try to press him. He asked him to send a message to the people, and Evan had the inward assurance that he was free to do that. I do not know which of them wrote it, but John Phillips went down the stairs and to the front door a very relieved man. He had a few lines written on half a sheet of notepaper in one hand and a lighted candle, which someone had pushed into his hand, in the other.

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