Joys and struggles

Jonathan Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 2004
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Phil became a Christian at university in Brighton. After meeting and watching another group of real Christians he realised that he wasn't one, despite attending Crusaders courses for years on the Isle of Wight. Phil is now the minister of a small church in Brighton, Calvary Evangelical Church. Jonathan Carswell finds out about his joys and struggles in a small church.

JC: Phil, how did you actually start in Christian ministry?

PW: I was taken under the wing of a local minister who helped me learn and experience teaching the Bible and working in a local church. Once I had finished university he asked me if I would like to join him as his assistant at his church. I accepted this role part time alongside a teaching job. However, after some time I left teaching and became full-time at the church. So I've been in Brighton since I started.

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