'...from darkness to light...'

Gerard Chrispin  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2004
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Gerard Chrispin reports on the launch of the new DAYLIGHT Christian Prison Trust, seeking to bring the gospel to those behind bars...

A helpful missionary vision emphasis in recent years is the concentration on the needs of people groups, in addition to focusing on geographical areas.

The world's 'pond' is huge for 'fishers of men', and the appropriate tackle and bait are needed to attract and catch the targeted 'fish'. The same principle applies to evangelistic work within Britain. It is right, for example, that UCCF targets students in a student-orientated way, that businessmen focus on their business friends and colleagues, and that United Beach Missions concentrates on summer holiday makers. Some people groups are harder to identify and reach than others. Some are relatively simple to locate and contact. Some call for a great deal of work and expense, just to get people to hear the gospel. Other people groups are reachable relatively simply and inexpensively.

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