Why so many people reject Christ (and one idea for winning them back)

Alan Sharp  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2004
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What will make your next-door neighbours consider the claims of Christ?

Traditionally, one style of evangelism has been popular. This is a style used by Paul: reason (dialogue), telling the story of Jesus and his bringing salvation for us. For a number of reasons, particularly related to the impressions that the bad lifestyles of some Christians are making on non-Christians, I believe it's important that we now investigate using another style of evangelism as well.

This is a style used by Jesus throughout his ministry, as well as by Peter, John and Paul. The Christian finds out the need that the non-Christian is most struggling with. By at least trying to meet that need the Christian can earn the right to share their faith and the non-Christian's response then may well be faith and repentance.+

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